My Services


Make God the center of your fitness?

Gain consistency in your workouts & nutrition?

Discover godly contentment and overcome insecurities?

Book a discovery call today to discuss a whole health plan tailored to you and your goals!

online personal training & nutrition services

Work with me one on one to achieve your fitness and nutrition goals. Receive personalized health plans tailored specific to your goals.

All coaching is done 100% virtually.

Starting at $225/month

speaking engagements

Hire me to speak at your next event! I’ll cover topics ranging from rooting your identity in God, training in a way that glorifies God & gets you results, finding freedom over your food, and more!

Interested? Fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch.

Cost subject to event

faith + fitness events

Hire me to host an in person event. The event boasts speaking sessions, group style workouts, healthy lunches and more!

Interested? Fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch.

Cost subject to event

Set up a Discovery Call